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Setting Sharing Permissions

Setting haring Permissions

As the owner of a folder, you can set the sharing permissions for each added shared user. Setting sharing permissions allows you to control how the shared users are interacting with your collection. The same is true when another user shares a folder with you. 

Before you start sharing, determine a strategy for collaboration. Be sure to communicate the strategy to the shared users based on the permissions you give them (can view, or edit).

This section outlines the roles of both the Owner and the Shared User of a given collection based on two types of sharing permissions.

"Can View" Sharing Permissions

The owner of a folder can set permissions for each shared user added to a collection, which means they:

  • Have access to the shared folder and can see/follow any changes made in the shared folder by the folder owner
  • Can play the collection
  • Can “Copy” the shared folder to create a private copy of the shared folder where they can edit or assign the folder to students

Show or hide folder details. Hide Details hides the status and the date the folder was last modified. Show details displays the folder name, type, status, and date last modified.

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