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Sharing a Collection - General Access Link

Sharing a Collection via General Access Link

Looking for an easy way to share the lesson collection you created with your teacher colleagues? The “General Access Link” feature under the “Share” feature, can be found by clicking on “Actions” from your My Content page, which will give you the ability to share this collection with others within your school district. A link will be generated that you can copy and share. This share link will grant others view-only access to this collection. The collection will be available in their Shared With Me tab, where they can view changes and make a private copy. Removing the general access link removes the collection from others' Shared With Me tab.

Sharing a Lesson Collection via Link

1. Go to “My Content.”

2. Click on the “Actions” button to the right of the lesson collection you want to share and select “Share.”

3. Click on the box below “General access link,” and a link will be populated with the link icon to the right of it:

4. Click on the link icon to copy the link. Once the link has been copied, you can then paste it into an email or any other means of messaging to share it with others within your school district.

5. When a teacher or colleague clicks on the shared link, they will be provided with access to the lesson collection that was shared. If the user is signed into Learning Explorer, it will take the user directly to the resources within the collection. If the user is not logged in, a prompt will appear to require the user to sign in to access the shared lesson collection. Below is the view the teacher you shared your lesson collection will see when they click on the link:

“Shared with Me” View:

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